Seven questions examination – Out papers

By: Faisal Ansar

Examinations are an integral part of every pupil’s life for which they strive very hard the whole year for preparation and to succeed with fine colors. Good students always try to cover the whole syllabus so that they could attempt every question as it is unaware that which question would come in the paper. Normally, five questions are required to be solved by the pupils in each paper for which they study hard the whole year, and their work hard is assessed in just three hours of paper. This cycle of examination carries on in a pupil’s life till graduation or to master’s to Ph.D. degrees if anyone wants to go for further education. After a certain period of time like after graduation or a master’s degree majority of pupils discontinue further education and give attention to their practical life and reckon that they would not now appear in any examination.   

In fact, every human being in this finite world is a pupil for a particular examination that would take place once we depart from this mortal world and a large number of people are either aware or unaware of that examination but are not preparing themselves for that which is comprising of two papers with three and four compulsory questions respectively. Surprisingly, those questions are intimated already which means that both papers are already out and to get prepared for that examination whole life is given and one has to prepare himself in this mortal world and in uncertain life.   

The first three questions would be inquired by The Denied and The Denier (Angels) once anyone is buried in the grave i.e. Who was your Lord, Who was your apostle, and What was your religion? Only those would be able to answer these questions correctly who would have led their life the way prescribed by Islam and would answer that his lord was Allah Almighty. Portray of apostle was shown to cadaver in the grave and those who would have adopted the Sunnah of beloved Prophet in this world would recognize that his apostle was Muhammad SAW and those who would have lived their life according to the teachings of Islam would answer that their religion was Islam.    

While, four more questions would be asked from every soul which has to taste death sooner or later at doomsday by Allah Almighty Himself i.e. how you have lived your life, how you spent days of your youngness, how you earned and spent money, whether or not acted on the knowledge you acquired. The earth would be ordered by Allah Almighty not to leave the feet of the person until these questions are not answered. Only those would succeed who must have lived their life according to the teachings of Islam and spent their youngness without getting involved any such bas activity and must have differentiated between licit and illicit in terms of earning and spending money, holiness and unholiness, lawful and unlawful and would have acted on the acquired knowledge accordingly.  

Examinations are integral part of every pupil’s life for which they strive very hard whole year for preparation and to succeed with fine colors. Good students always try to cover the whole syllabus so that they could attempt every question in the paper. Students work hard is assessed in just three hours paper. This cycle of examination carries on in a pupil’s life till graduation or to master’s to PhD degrees if anyone wants to go for further education. After a certain period of time like after graduation or master’s degree majority of pupils discontinue further education and give attention to their practical life and reckon that they would not now appear in any examination.   

In fact, every human being in this finite world is a pupil for a particular examination which would take place once we depart from this mortal world and a large number of people are either aware or unaware about that examination are not preparing themselves for that examination which is comprising of two papers with three and four compulsory questions respectively. Surprisingly, those questions are intimated already which means that both papers are already out and to get prepared for that examination whole life is given and one has to prepare himself in this mortal world and in uncertain life.   

First three questions would be inquired by The Denied and The Denier (Angels) once anyone is buried in the grave i.e. Who was your Lord, Who was your apostle and What was your religion. Only those would be able to answer these questions correctly who would have firm believed on Allah Almighty and would answer that his lord was Only Allah. Portray of apostle would be shown to a cadaver in the grave and those who would have adopted Sunnah of beloved Prophet in this world would recognize that his apostle was Muhammad SAW and those who would have lived their life according to teachings of Islam would answer that their religion was Islam.    

While, four more questions would be asked from every soul which has to taste death sooner or later at doomsday by Allah Almighty Himself i.e. how you have lived your life, how you spent days of your youngness, how you earned and spent money, whether or not acted on the knowledge you acquired. The earth would be ordered by Allah Almighty not to leave the feet of the person until these questions are not answered. Only those would be able to answer these questions who must have lived their life according to the teachings of Islam and spent their youngness without getting involved in any such bas activity and must have differentiated between licit and illicit in terms of earning and spending money, holiness and unholiness, lawful and unlawful and would have acted on the acquired knowledge accordingly.  

But see how complacent we are about that examination although pupils remain worried about their annual academic examination until it is not over and living our life without bothering for preparation. Although that examination would commence soon once we depart from this mortal world and lay down in the grave while the life given to us is very uncertain and could come to end at any time.   So be wise and let’s prepared for life hereinafter which would never ever end and do well in the upcoming examinations those who would succeed in that life, would remain to succeed for good while failed students in this world do have options to appear again in the examination to succeed.

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