By: Amb. Salahuddin Choudhry

S systemic they say habits die hard we say
A assuage everything to rinse an old habit
Y yester years of dereliction we pay
N nearly as heavily as no one has a writ
O over any men women youth kids if free
T to do what they should whenever and anywhere
O or as raison d’etre of life not to see
T tobacco as poison relish as fair
O ominous it will surely be if no amends
B be order and leads to annihilation
A abiding no rules no empathy but intents
C crossing limits of human affliction
C call what ye will for habit good or bad
O        o’ we must vow quit smoking it’s a fad.
World No Tobacco Day, established by WHO through a Resolution in 1987, is observed every year on 31 May to raise awareness about the dangers of using tobacco, the business practices of tobacco companies, the need to fight the tobacco epidemic, and what can be done to claim the right to health and healthy living especially for protection of coming generations.
For decades, the tobacco industry has deliberately employed strategic, aggressive and well-resourced tactics to attract youth to tobacco and nicotine products which are designed to attract a new generation of tobacco users.                                                                                 Â
In response, World No Tobacco Day 2020 envisages to provide a counter-marketing campaign and empower young people to engage in the fight against Big Tobacco.