Home Letter to Editor Respect the Labours

Respect the Labours

Letter to The Editor,

Life is getting busier, the traffic is on the road, the wheat has been harvested and another Labor Day Holiday is upon us. Let us not forget the reason that we enjoy the day off with weekends, ceremonies, family gatherings, and peaceful evening walks while our hardworking labourers sacrifice their weekends and work hard to earn a living. it is the day to celebrate the importance and struggles of our workforce.

Labourers are the backbone of our country that keeps our economy, defence, and lifestyle going. Workers in fields such as industrial, healthcare, police and fire protection, retail and service, utility, construction, education, armed forces, science, and technology have been sacrificing for us since day one.

The point is, without workers, the wheels would not turn in the process of making and being the greatest country in the world. Technology, although it can be helpful, is becoming harmful to the workforce in many ways by eliminating many jobs. These include online banking, self-scanners in supermarkets, online ordering in retail. Remember, these items do not pay taxes or buy any products.

As we enjoy this Labor Day weekend with a Friday off at home with our families, let us pay tribute to the worker and honour them for being there for the nation. We all should take a moment to appreciate them for their monotonous routine. The government should try his best to strengthen programs that support labour section of society; policies should be introduced for security at work and at home; decently paid for the work they do; and increase the minimum wage of labourers to Rs 20000/- for they also have families to feed.

Khadija Begum, Islamabad



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