Through the columns of your reputed newspaper. I wish to make people aware of misapply of pesticides to prevent pest attacks. Though pest attacks are very detrimental for crops. As these attacks influence the quality and quantity of crops. The major pests that affect crops are white-fly, mealy bug and American bell worm etc. In Pakistan, Pesticides utilization is low as compared to other Asian countries. Water, soil taint due to the utilization of these pesticides is too hazardous for human and environment.
Farmers in Pakistan are generally illiterate, they consider it as a remedy to save their crops from pests but in real it’s toxic. They don’t have knowledge of how to apply these pesticides on crops that’s why pesticides hit non-targeted area and this way pesticides leave their harmful effects on crops with no benefits. They apply these pesticides according to their approximation. Above all the most important problem is that farmers apply incorrect pesticides on crops.
Only 19% of farmers get training about applying and handling these pesticides. The government should make sure that all the farmers, especially in backward areas should get the training. Monitoring is necessary to keep a check on pest level and responsible use of pesticides should be implemented so that pesticides hit targeted area and correct pesticides should be used which is most important.
Naheed Jahan, IslamabadÂ