By: Shehroz Sultan
From the very beginning mankind has faced different challenges for their survival.We used to crash stones to ignite fire and now even moon doesn’t look that far. What ever the situation may be man has always succeeded in devising a solution for it. At the time of celebrating success when it felt like a home stretch of suffering.When we thought that nothing is impossible for man we faced new problems like climate change, gender equality and go on with SDGs list. It is impossible to envisage an end to Odyssey for Humans but their is hope as it is famously quotes that “Night is darkest just before the dawn.”When the world is facing hunger,corona and numerous gnarly issues there comes a ray of light solving the problem of noise pollution. After 28 years of research it is made possible to open up your office or home window in a noisy big city with only fresh air allowed to pass through it.It is possible to prevent sound from entering your room with out your permission.You can eliminate noise of cars,trains,buses,factories etc with just a remote control. This is the best thing since slice bread. Now let me tell you how this magic is possible.For this you only have to connect speakers designed by scientists to your window which will create the same intensity sound present outdoor.This both sound waves will cancel eachother and you can enjoy peace.This window can be controlled with a remote.
We always have an excuse for our procrastination. We wished for a superman to appear and solve all of the problems but the reality is we can’t get off the hook that easy.Sooner or later our problem will submerge us.We longed searched for an alternative of an Air conditioner that will spread less CFCs in the atmosphere and here is our alternative. Now with free air in your room the need of an AC will be less and we can also think of controlling an imminent headache of climate change which is a severe problem for entire globe. We only have this earth to live on and it is our utmost duty to save it. Our forefathers gave us a world where we can breathe and now is The time to ask from yourself.What is it as your legacy you are going to leave being for upcoming generations. If a window can be made to control noise then we can also build something for achieving each SDG.All we need is a determination and a will to amalgamate despite of our differences. Being succint let’s appreciate the hard work of 28 years by scientists and let’s burn the midnight oil and make a new approach to save the earth. Our Odyssey is long to go…
The writer is a student of literature, poet,activist and can be reached at [email protected]