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Sunday, October 6, 2024

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Scourge of terrorism: India sabotaging peace in Pakistan

By: Asem Mustafa Awan 

The recent blast in Lahore added with border situation getting tense all point fingers in one direction and that is India and Prime Minister Imran Khan along with national security head have no two opinions about it.

Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi was a little polite in his words but Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid made it clear that India is behind all the terrorist activities in length and breadth of Pakistan.

Pakistan due to geo-strategic location has been in the eyes of all friends and foes as all have interest in the region

The terrorist nabbed by the national security officials always divulge where the received their training and what they have done over the time in their heinous designs against Pakistan.

The terrorists nabbed not long ago in Sindh in their confession stated they received training from India. Balochistan has its own share of problems. Viewed as the life line to be and a global economic hub in trading, China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is the game changer in the region.

Pakistan has made many a steps for poverty alleviation in the province and is still doing many projects to involve the locals in the national mainstream. Prime Minister Imran Khan in his visit to Balochistan has announced many a packages for Balochistan and is all out to make province play the pivotal role in the national mainstream.

The terrorists arrested in Balochistan from many a banned outfits all had their links detailing India’s involvement.

The recent activities that are done to create panic nationwide are viewed very seriously and Interior Minister’s statement speaks out India’s involvement in sabotaging peace in Pakistan.

Fencing the borders which are eyed as a safe option which is in Pakistan’s favor particularly on Afghan side is resented by Afghans as it will limit their movement to and fro in to Pakistan.

Pakistan has assured that legal entry from the border is always welcome but people who try deception and fake identification from Afghan side will not be tolerated.

It is believed the fence is likely to be completed soon on Afghanistan border while Iran border will take some time.

However  the alarm raised by the interior Minster which should be addressed on priority basis is group of Nadra officials who were issuing fake computerized identities to people. How many have taken these cards and how many of them were terrorists. The details are awaited. The officials selling their soul for money should be receive exemplary punishment as it is them who are the main collaborators of terrorism activities in Pakistan and should face the same sections as that of the apprehended terrorists.

These people are the one who directly help the non state actors who owing to these officials are suddenly very active.

They were successful in carrying out their agenda but security forces in Pakistan though late but caught up with the perpetrators after the crime with fingers pointing directly at India. The blast in Lahore has resulted in all perpetrators getting arrested.

Pakistan due to geo strategic location has been in the eyes of all friends and foes as all have interest in the region. The forces which are all out to destabilize Pakistan leave no stone unturned in creating chaos. The recent attacks on Frontier Constabulary in Balochistan have raised concerns and security agencies are all out in arresting the perpetrators of these crimes.

The drone drama in India to befool the international community has backfired much like the Pulwama. The arrest and release of Wing Commander AbhiNandan after the failed air strike are all documented and known to the world.

The false flag operation in the past from India though failed but it clearly showed her intentions to wreak havoc on Pakistan when the Indian Air Force violated the Pakistan air space which was timely anticipated. It would have resulted in full scale retaliation had the Indian fighter jets dropped the explosive loads in their bellies.

The region is again becoming a flash point owing to the US troop withdrawal and the power struggle is likely to follow suit with the vacuum created.

Taliban on the other hand are gaining momentum with each passing day. The days are round the corner with Afghanistan getting free from the foreign influence and two decades of US presence will finally come to an end by September this year.

The economic interest in the region are also there namely the oil and gas besides valuable minerals which US is likely to let go and to safeguard these interest friendly nation’s help is sought for their protection. Pakistan holds the key to these economic interests and hostile powers are at their best to make sure Pakistan gets nothing from the opportunity.

India’s position in the recent past holding trading and strategic partnership with United States is viewed in a different perspective from Pakistan side. This partnership in a broader spectrum deals with intelligence gathering and sharing and the subject of course stays Pakistan.

The terrorist activities from Afghan soil against Pakistan had involvement of India and the dossier presented in the United Nations with all the evidence is still there and very much exist. This dossier should have curtailed India’s plotting against Pakistan but the world just acted otherwise and nothing was done to curtail India for it nefarious and ulterior designs.

The writer is special correspondent at ‘The Dayspring’. He can be reached at [email protected]

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