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Vanishing relationships in the modern world

By: Maqsood Shahi

“Any place you don’t leave is a prison.” Prof. Peter Hoberg (Liberal Arts) Movie: Into the Wild

In the modern world, social media has bolstered the speed of connection between near and dear. However, uncompromisingly, in every region, the rate of intensity is worsening. You might have witnessed and experienced how you are not in a position to contact your friends, wife, and even family. Matter becomes more complicated when you are highly busy with study, work, and IT.

With advancements in technology, it has become common to not meet a person. Abstraction cannot compete with presence. As a parent, a boss, or a student, the work burden and headache of day-to-day operations can be well experienced. In the middle, there was a little bit of time to meet face-to-face and have some conversation.

Smartphone Usage: Studies have shown that the increased use of smartphones and social media has led to a decline in face-to-face interactions. For example, a report from the Pew Research Center in 2019 found that 51% of teens in the United States felt that they often or sometimes used their phones to avoid in-person socializing.

Social Media and Relationships: Research by the University of Missouri published in the journal “Computers in Human Behavior” in 2019 found that higher levels of Facebook use were associated with negative relationship outcomes, including increased jealousy and decreased relationship satisfaction. People unconsciously use social media it has severe effects, which studies reveal, and hardly a person finds time to study the pros and cons of those apps and sites.

Texting vs. Face-to-Face Communication: Text-based communication, such as texting and emailing, has been linked to misinterpretation and misunderstandings in relationships. A jackass can only imagine thinking and experiencing relationships while texting. But this has inevitably become a common phenomenon to test your love. A study published in the journal “Psychological Science” in 2014 showed that people tend to overestimate the positive impact of their messages and underestimate the negative effects when communicating through text. We need to rethink whether texting is more enjoyable than face-to-face conversation.

Relationship Satisfaction: Though the desire is excessive to meet and greet, the rushed life has no time to do so. Research conducted by the University of Texas at Austin in 2018 found that the more often a couple uses technology in their relationship (such as texting or social media), the lower their relationship satisfaction tends to be. As I asserted, absence cannot compete with presence. What is needed is satisfaction in relationships, not to pretend to sustain the relationship. A superficial connection is merely a formality. The busyness of life has increased, which often results in breakups and sidelines. Work balance is a necessity in such scenarios.

The above-mentioned causes are cohesive in nature; for example, if a person works ass off the whole day and enjoys no weekend, then he suffers mentally and physically; energy is scarcely left while anxiety eats him. The association is not solely wired between us; however, there are emotional and spiritual connections that urge and compel contact. When those connections turn upside down by the end of the day, how can we get in touch? So, sometimes misconceptions arise and the only solution is to look through his or her lenses and perspective. Harper Lee has very concisely said it in his novel To Kill a Mockingbird: You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view… Until you climb inside his skin and walk around in it.”

“The Impact of Mental Illness on Relationships: The Healing Power of Connection” (2019) This article by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) discusses the challenges that individuals with mental illness and their loved ones may face in maintaining healthy relationships and highlights the importance of support and communication.

The modern world is undergoing rapid changes that affect the nature and quality of human relationships. Technology, globalization, urbanization, individualism, and consumerism are some of the factors that have transformed the way people interact, communicate, and form bonds with each other. While these changes have brought some benefits, such as increased mobility, diversity, and choice, they have also created new challenges and problems for maintaining stable and satisfying relationships.

Some of the problems that modern relationships face include loss of intimacy, trust, and commitment; increased conflict, stress, and loneliness; reduced social support and community; and higher rates of divorce, infidelity, and violence. These problems can have negative impacts on the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of individuals, as well as on the social cohesion and stability of society. Moreover, these problems are not limited to romantic or marital relationships but also affect family, friendship, and work relationships.

Therefore, it is important to find ways to cope with the challenges and opportunities that the modern world presents for human relationships. Some possible solutions include: developing self-awareness and emotional intelligence; cultivating communication and conflict resolution skills; seeking professional help or counseling when needed; balancing personal and social needs; fostering a sense of belonging and purpose; and promoting values of respect, honesty, and compassion. These solutions can help individuals and couples to enhance their relationship quality and satisfaction, as well as contribute to the well-being of others and society.

In conclusion, human relationships are vital for our happiness and survival, but they are also vulnerable to the influences of the modern world. By understanding the causes and effects of the vanishing relationship phenomenon, we can take steps to prevent or overcome it. We can also learn from the experiences and wisdom of other cultures and generations that have faced similar or different challenges in their relationships. Ultimately, we can create our own scripts and narratives that reflect our personal and collective goals and values for our relationships in the modern world.

The writer is a freelance columnist. He can be reached at [email protected]

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